San Patrizio è il santo patrono d’Irlanda e in suo onore ogni anno si tiene una festa molto amata in tutto il mondo, non solo dagli irlandesi. Si celebra il 17 di marzo (proprio domani!) e per molte persone è un’occasione per celebrare la cultura irlandese, bere birra e divertirsi! Oggi impareremo un po’ di slang e molte parole utili se vuoi festeggiare San Patrizio come un vero irlandese!
L’Irish slang assolutamente da sapere
On the lash: to go out drinking;
What a ride: super sexy;
Snog: kiss;
The jacks: the toilet;
Take the piss out of: to make fun of;
Langered: drunk;
Muppet: fool;
Knackered: exhausted;
Lads: boys.
Conversation 1
Michael: Let’s go out on the lash with the lads tonight!
Peter: I can’t I’m completely knackered.
Micheal: Don’t be a muppet, we’re going to the pub.
Conversation 2
Micheal: Look over there Peter, that blonde is a total ride.
Peter: Why don’t you go talk to her.
Micheal: I’ll do just that and I might even snog her.
Conversation 3
Peter: Oh man I’ve had too much whiskey and now I feel sick.
Michael: Stop taking the piss out of me you aren’t even langered mate.
Peter: Must have been the corn beef , I need to go to the jacks.
Tradizioni legate alla festa di San Patrizio
- Wear green
- Pinch people who are not wearing green
- Drink Guinness or whiskey
- Go to a parade or festival
- Listen to Irish music (with the fiddle and bagpipe)
- Eat cabbage and corn beef
Idiomi legati alla buona sorte
Luck of the Irish – extreme good fortune.
E.g. Patrick definitely has the luck of the Irish, he always wins.
Pot of gold – a container filled with gold but is used figuratively.
E.g. Whoever answers the question first gets the pot of gold.
Hit the jackpot – win a lot of money or a large prize.
E.g. If I continue to play this slot machine, I will hopefully hit the jackpot.
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