I suffissi in inglese sono l’argomento che affronteremo oggi, dopo il post della scorsa settimana dedicato ai prefissi. I suffissi sono particelle che vengono aggiunte alla fine di una parola al fine di cambiarne il significato. Possono essere aggiunti a nomi, verbi, aggettivi e avverbi e sono molto utili per fare bella figura durante gli esami per ottenere le certificazioni più comuni. Oggi scopriremo quali sono i più utilizzati in inglese!
Come usare i suffissi in inglese
-er o -or (someone who does or is)
teach teacher
write writer
act actor
E.g. When I was a child I wanted to be an actor but I became a teacher.
-ful (full of)
play playful
wonder wonderful
color colorful
E.g. The painting was so wonderful and colorful.
-less (without)
child childless
home homeless
price priceless
E.g. There are many beautiful pieces of priceless art in Italy.
-sion o -tion (used to form nouns from verbs; expresses an action)
suggest suggestion
act action
decide decision
E.g. We need to make a decision. Does anyone have any suggestions?
-ment (action or process, or the result of)
improve improvement
pay payment
move movement
E.g. I need to wait for the payments before we can make any more improvements to the building.
-able (to have the ability or capable of being)
do doable
manage manageable
comfort comfortable
E.g. The new project is manageable and it is doable to finish it by the end of the week.
Quiz time
Scegli la parola corretta.
- Look at the ____________________ sky.
- colored
- colorable
- coloring
- colorful
- The medicine was white and _________.
- odorless
- odorful
- disodor
- odorness
- The policeman was courageous and _________.
- fearful
- fearless
- fearable
- fearor