False friends: ovvero i nemici più temuti di tutti coloro che studiano inglese! Sappiamo che anche in inglese sono presenti moltissime parole che derivano dal latino, quindi per noi italiani può essere facile apprendere tante parole nuove poiché possono essere simili a parole che già conosciamo. Un corso di inglese è l’ideale per scovare tutte queste parole che sembrano simili a quelle in italiano ma in realtà non hanno assolutamente lo stesso significato. Oggi impareremo alcuni false friends molto comuni… per evitare di cadere in confusione e in errore!
I false friends in inglese: piccola guida per non sbagliare più
English word | Real meaning | Italian false friend | Translation |
to annoy | infastidire | annoiare | to bore |
argument | discussione, litigio | argomento | topic, subject |
college | università | collegio | boarding school |
to control | dominare | controllare | to check |
definitely | certamente | definitivamente | permanently |
factory | fabbrica | fattoria | farm |
ostrich | struzzo | ostrica | oyster |
preservative | conservante | preservativo | condom, contraceptive |
to realize | rendersi conto | realizzare | fulfill, achieve |
ultimate | estremo | ultimo | last |
Conversation 1
Amy: It’s so annoying when my boyfriend plays video games instead of listening to me when I’m talking.
Samantha: That’s definitely rude, I argue with my boyfriend when he does that to me!
Conversation 2
Michelle: I didn’t realize that so many types of food have preservatives.
Frank: That’s because most of the food we eat nowadays come from factories and not from farms.
Conversation 3
Daniel: When I was in college I thought I was in total control of my life.
Sarah: Then you realized you were only twenty years old!
Daniel: Yeah, It was the ultimate lesson learning that I didn’t have control over everything.
Quiz Time
Nelle seguenti frasi inserisci la parola corretta fra quelle proposte fra parentesi:
- This movie is so ________, I’m about to fall asleep! (boring/annoying)
- I like to eat ________ with a little bit of lemon. (ostriches/oysters)
- I grew up on a _______ with lots of animals. (farm/factory)
- I _________ my dream when I graduated from college. (realized/achieved)
- Can you _______ to see if I can order this product online? (control/check)
- Organic food is healthy because it doesn’t have _________ (preservatives/conservatives)
1. boring/2. oysters/3. farm/4. achieved/5. check/6. preservatives